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Cairneyhill Homework Rationale

Why is homework important?

From looking at research and our communities responses we feel that here at Cairneyhill the purpose of homework is to:

¨ Consolidate learning particularly in Literacy ,Numeracy and  Maths

¨ To share learning with home

¨ In the upper years to get into good home study routines

When do we get homework?

Homework will come home on a Friday and should be

returned the following Wednesday. This lets people do it at the  weekend or during the week, whatever fits in best with life at home.

What will we get for homework?

We will set Literacy and Numeracy or Maths  activities every week. We will also set reading homework every week, this may come home separate from the weekly homework, class teachers will let you know the arrangements for each class. Each child will also get a

task to do each term linked to other areas of the curriculum.

This will be set over a number of weeks. The task may be to make or do, to  present a PowerPoint or Poster or complete some  extended research.

Every child in class may not get the same homework, homework as with class learning will be differentiated to meet children’s needs.

Resources for tasks will be sent home eg. large paper for posters. If you require any resources for homework please contact the school office and Mrs Hall will get these arranged where possible.

 How will we do our homework ?

All homework will be set on Teams. Guides on how to access Teams  are shared regularly and are available on the school website. Homework should be returned via Teams as well this can be typed, a video or a photograph of work .

Children will be issued with logins and passwords for Glow, Active Learn and in upper school Collins Connect. Please contact  the school office as soon as possible ( cairneyhillps.enquiries@fife.gov.uk 01383602445 ) if you do not have these for your child or they are not working .

 How can I help my child with homework

Literacy and Numeracy information has been put together  illustrating methods and language of learning used in school, this is to support family learning at home. These will be for literacy and numeracy—First and Second level. These can be viewed on our school website. 

 Are there any times we won’t get homework?

Homework will come home on the Friday of the second full week of each  new term.  We won’t have homework for two weeks before the Christmas and Summer holidays.  We also won’t have any homework during  weeks with an INSET day , Monday holiday or Gala week .

We recently asked what barriers to homework were for our families this is so we can support all learners to access homework set and so everyone has the same opportunities.

 If your child has specific barriers to completing homework tasks  such as resources or technology please get in touch with the school office on cairneyhillps.enquiries@fife.gov.uk or 01383602445 to ask to speak to Mrs Hall , Mrs Price or Ms Macdonald about this .



Updated August 2022